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    Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

Once upon a time, there were flip phones that allowed you to exchange tiny pictures with a few people. Data wasn’t an issue back then. But today we have a multitude of devices that take high resolution videos and pics and we share our lives with each other via uploads of data, streaming across the world wide web (don’t stop by the way – I love your updates). The result? Data is compiling at unprecedented rates. And that means power consumption. At unprecedented rates.

In 2013 alone, data centers consumed an estimated 91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. By 2020, that number is expected to grow to 140 billion kilowatt-hours annually. At a time when nations around the world have reached a collaborative agreement to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, energy consumption and sources are key.

Data centers operators around the world are taking the lead to keep up with the demand for energy in ways that not only meet demand, but are efficient and environmentally-friendly by greening the data center from the inside out.

Design and Construction: It’s not just about finding a building and turning it into a data center. For new and existing buildings, companies are incorporating measures that address how to utilize the space to get the most use for the least consumption of resources. The first data center to achieve LEED certification did so in 2005. Since then, more and more builders are incorporating methods like improved cooling efficiency, clean backup power, green construction, and intelligent design to build and recommission sustainable data centers from start to finish.
Renewable Energy: Around the world data centers are harnessing the power of natural resources. From purchasing renewable energy credits to on-site installations. Salesforce […]

By |April 22nd, 2016|Environmental, global, Marketing, news, tech|Comments Off on Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

What’s Fueling the Tech Revolution?

“An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator… these are NOT three separate devices! And we are calling it iPhone! Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone. And here it is.”
– Steve Jobs
In 2007, we were introduced to the first iPhone. It’s campaign slogan was, “This is only the beginning.” You remember that, right? It was like yesterday and it was WHOA at first site and created a tech revolution that changed the world as we knew it.

Today, our lives are digital and analog, and new and better ways to connect to each other and the world around us are everywhere. The expansion potential continues to be huge. Yesterday, we came together over in awe over a new phone. Today, revolutionary tech is just waiting to bring the world together to replace current technology with a new generation of amazing.

So, what’s fueling the revolution? Everything. Every facet of our worlds has reached the right time and place to create the perfect storm for advancement.

More devices, more data.

Wearables, homes, mobile, and cars are coming online faster than ever. Connected devices are the new life hack – they count the steps we take, map the way, dim the lights, organize our thoughts, and provide a billion ways to digitally share our lives with each other.

The information collected, in turn, is providing valuable insights that will drive future development and help to create snapshots of society and user behaviors as a whole.

Drones are here.

They’re taking selfie stick and RC helicopters to Heisenberg levels. They’re also being utilized for government and commercial use. 2015 ended with mandatory drone registration and has sparked the rise of a whole new set of regulations and data tracking industry.

More data is […]

By |January 19th, 2016|Apple, drones, Environmental, Steve Jobs, tech|Comments Off on What’s Fueling the Tech Revolution?

Native American Students Tour Five States to Explore the Best in Energy and Technology

Native American Students Tour Five States to Explore the Best in Energy and Technology
PORTLAND, OR — August 2015 – On August 15, students representing tribes from Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho will depart from Portland, Oregon on the third annual Inter-tribal Energy & Tech Tour. The Inter-Tribal Energy & Tech Tour is the nation’s first summer camp committed to educating tomorrow’s tribal leadership on energy, technology, and partnership potential.
Students were selected by application process to participate in a memorable 9-day tour of state-of-the-art energy and technology organizations in Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada. The Tour was launched in 2013 by Redbridge, Inc., an 8a Certified, Native American owned marketing services company based in Portland.
The mission of Redbridge’s Energy & Tech Tour is to introduce tribal youth to state-of-the-art energy and technology projects and generate awareness for tribal organizations that are active in the industry.

This year, students will visit to learn how people and projects from these progressive organizations are changing the world.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – World-class programs and capabilities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory span one square mile, what many consider to be “the smartest square mile on Earth”
SUPERNAP Data Centers – Award-winning Tier IV Gold SUPERNAP data centers are certified as the highest-ranking colocation data centers in the world and are maintained by the highest-rated mission critical operations teams
Southern California Edison – One of the nation’s largest electric utilities, delivering power to 15 million people in 50,000 square-miles across central, coastal and Southern California, SCE is also the first utility in the nation to create a Tribal Liaison position dedicated to advancing utility and tribal energy partnerships
and more!

For generations, tribes have practiced sustainability and environmental preservation. Today, with over 5% of […]

By |August 15th, 2015|Marketing|Comments Off on Native American Students Tour Five States to Explore the Best in Energy and Technology
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    Shannon’s Top 5 in Energy & Tech (Week in Review from July 20th)

Shannon’s Top 5 in Energy & Tech (Week in Review from July 20th)

What a great week for energy and technology – everything from ice cream to ludicrous mode!
I was road tripping this past week from Portland to Arizona and back, but I believe that in the middle of great coffee and finding yourself under bridges you should make time to take it all in. And there was a TON of amazing happening in the fields of energy and technology. How can I NOT share my favs with you?! If you’re into energy and tech, maybe you’ll be fascinated too!

Either way, here are the top 5 things that I found mind blowing:

1. Vermont, you’ve done it AGAIN!

I’m in serious love with all the progressive movement this state continues to generate. This past week, Burlington Electric Department announced that they’re providing residents energy using 100% green power! The utility company is utilizing innovative mixes from multiple resources to deliver green power to over 40,000 residents. Their renewable portfolio includes biomass, wind, solar, hydropower and natural gas. And, because Vermont continues to raise the bar and surprise the nation with it’s efforts, in February, they began installation of a 500-kilowatt rooftop solar panel on the Burlington International Airport parking garage. So, yay, Vermont.. I can’t even wait to see what you come up with next!

2. What could be better than Ben & Jerry’s on a summer afternoon?

Try Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, delivered by a Tesla.. and sharing a commitment to change the world! Yessss!

Yup, in the spirit of sustainable marketing efforts, Ben & Jerry’s has teamed up with THE electric car company to spread awareness and inspire the world to get involved in the global climate change movement. To prove how they’re walking their talk, the Vermont-based company converted […]

By |July 22nd, 2015|Marketing|Comments Off on Shannon’s Top 5 in Energy & Tech (Week in Review from July 20th)

Drones. Are they poised to take over the universe?

Remember that first time you ever watched I, Robot and the robots started to take over? Me too.
I don’t have cable, but last week I happened to be staying in a hotel in my very favorite city in the US and “I, Robot” was playing on one of the channels. Have you seen it? It’s the movie where Will Smith is living in a future where artificial intelligence has evolved to the point that robots are in every household and assisting humans on all levels of day-to-day activities. In the movie, everyone except Will Smith has come to accept the integration of artificial intelligence as the norm. Will maintains that without the ability to feel and think freely, robot “logic” makes them untrustworthy to make decisions regarding the health and welfare of human lives. In the end he’s right and the robots make the decision that as humans we’re our own worst enemy and therefore need to be contained to keep us from harming ourselves further. Anyway, good movie.

Watching the movie led me to think about the drone controversy and how people fall on opposite ends of the argument. Some are excited about the idea of this new technology and the possibilities, while others are skeptical and concerned about how drones are being integrated into our lives. I love technology, but the subject of drones left even me a little apprehensive. So, I set out with a list of questions and have Googled, listened to presentations, and attended drone events to learn as much as possible about the subject.

How are drones being used?
What are some of the positives?
What challenges they’re facing?
What’s next?

Current Use
If the question is who’s doing what with drones right now, the […]

By |July 4th, 2015|Apple, drones, Steve Jobs, tech|Comments Off on Drones. Are they poised to take over the universe?

6 Steps to Branding for EDM Artists

A giant mouse head fist pumped behind the biggest rubix cube ever and the crowd went wild.
When @Deadmau5 became the house DJ at the 2010 VMAs, electronic music gained mainstream recognition. Today, everyone has a pair of fluffies. And why not? EDM’s recognition in the music industry is long overdue.

So, what’s the difference between @Deadmau5 and every DJ that hasn’t had the opportunity to play the VMAs? Some produce using the same equipment and have loads of musical talent. Why is he successful when so many other talented DJs still go unrecognized? Well, for one, DM5 is a freaking musical genius and for two, he has those ears that light up.

But there’s more to it than a sweet pair of ears and a ginormous rubix cube. Deadmau5 has a distinguishable brand and continues to build support by marketing himself successfully. He’s everywhere and doing everything to connect with his followers and establishing his brand. From Facebook to Minecraft to Instagram and gaming – the Deadmau5 brand is in constant interaction with his audience. And, his brand is him. That simple.
From a marketers perspective, here are 6 things every aspiring DJ can do to keep the dream alive.
1. Be Professional.
In every interaction, be respectful, committed and reliable. It’s the foundation for every career. Music is no different. Bring your “A-Game” 110% of the time. If you have an audience of 2 or 2,000, play like you’re playing for your MOM, or someone else of equal awesomeness. You never know who is watching and what doors can open or close based on how you perform.

2. Build a following.
Anyway, if you’re professional, that’s half the battle. If your personable, that’s the other half. There’s something mysterious about musicians that makes people wonder about what makes […]

Sustainable Marketing in 3 Steps

I may have mentioned a time or two, I pretty much love Earth…leaves, butterflies, oxygen…love…all of it. So, yes, I’m pretty passionate when it comes to sustainable marketing practices.
Before I became the CEO for @redbridge, I was a marketer of energy-efficiency programs. I called what I did, saving the world one kwh at a time. Anyway, when you promote energy-efficient products and choices you need to lead by example or people get skeptical. Nobody wants that.
My 10+ years of sustainable marketing practices can be boiled down into 3 simple steps. Here they are:

1. Think “green” brainstormy thoughts!
2. Design to make green “the new black”.
3. Buy green. It’s just nice. :)

Have I wowed you with my brilliance yet? Well…I hope NOT because I can talk about this ALL DAY! So, here I go, the 3 secrets revealed in 5…4…3…2…1…:
1. Think “green” brainstormy thoughts!
In my perfect world, a marketing plan serves as a road map for upcoming marketing activities. You’ve planned out as far as a year in advance. Relaxed brainstorm sessions happen in the quarter prior to the deliverable’s deadline allowing you to glance out further in the timeline to see if there are other materials forecasted that can be combined. I also have a pet unicorn in that world.

In my real world experience, you plan out as far ahead as possible and stay flexible. So the more you can think green thoughts on the fly, the better Earth is going to get. Whether your next item is well-planned, or a marketing emergency, consider what you’re trying to accomplish and how the end result can be created, greenly. For instance:

Email vs. Direct Mail: Get email addresses for your target audiences and send email campaigns versus direct mail. […]

Play Ball! (And Other Effective Methods of Presenting.)

Discovering Effective Ways to Present Information

He took the stage at the Portland Business Journal event, waited for silence and then said something like, “My mother was a drug addict, I grew up poor and a red ball saved my life and now I’m here to change yours.”

In that one sentence, Kevin Carroll had my undivided attention and the attention of the other 200+ people in the room for the next hour. And when he’d finished his story, the entire room was different. A red ball really can change lives!

It’s amazing what can happen when you bring together the right audience with the right content. If what you say makes people think, act or begin to dialogue, then you can say you’ve found your red ball.

One key component to getting your message out to the audience depends on the type of presentation you choose to deliver the subject matter. There are multiple ways to deliver content. When you begin planning for your presentation, clarify your presentation objectives by considering these questions;

What type of information is being presented?  Is it a process or project? Does it involve multiple stakeholders?
Who is the audience? Are they familiar with the subject matter? What information might they be looking for based on their role in a similar process?
What information or knowledge would you like the audience to walk away with? Do you want them to feel informed? Heard?
How do you want to communicate with the audience? Are you looking for feedback? Do you want to discuss the project or process with them?

Once your objectives are clear, determine what presentation type will most effectively deliver your information and satisfy the objectives.

Discussion Panels

If you’re subject matter involves multiple stakeholders who’ve each played […]

Product Review: The Starbys App Makes Me :)!

Sooo…it’s Peppermint Mocha time at Starbys and I love love looooove red cups. Imagine my sheer glee when I realized that I can not only pay for a venti with my phone, BUT that I can send one via the world wide web to a high school friend who lives 10 hours away…Neat-o!

Yup, Starbucks has an app. (Well, actually they have three, but I’ll go into that later.) Two of my favorite things combined — technology + coffee =  download ASAP.

It’s free and it’s in the App store. The interface is very user-friendly and does a little bit/LOT of everything. Here’s a list of features:

Drinks: Create and store your favorite drinks AND those of your friends
Favorites: Create and store locations, coffee types and foods
Coffees: Get full descriptions, photos and recommendations for the entire line of Starbucks Coffees
Food: Find nutritional, allergens and calorie info for foods available at Starbucks
Drinks: Create and store customized drink builder with nutritional information using a step by step process
Jobs: They have a pretty green brand…
Settings: Your profile
Help: Help
Scanner: Hellooooooo, QR Code scanner…LOVE
My Card: Store card and transaction history, PLUS allows easy balance reload by storing card info
Rewards: Birthday Coffee?! Yes… I’m so in!
Gifts: Brighten someone’s day – no matter how far away they live!
Stores: Location, location, location…
It’s sustainable – no cards, no paper, just environmental goodness

Long story short, if you love coffee or know someone who might enjoy getting a coffee, you might want this app. You can gift, buy and discover all things Starbucks Coffee. I am a Starbucks maniac and had heard about the app from a friend a few months ago. Since I first downloaded, I’ve tracked over $100 in purchases, reloaded and surprised a friend […]

People Who Inspire Me: Sarah Hulbert Creates Holidays

Personal narrative written by Sarah, the fun-loving, caring best little woman you’ve ever heard write about the red bridge. I’m pretty sure you’ll agree, she’s pretty inspiring. From now on, September 3 will be called San Francisco Day. I love this!

San Francisco Day
By: Sarah Hulbert

It was a sunny summer morning in San Francisco California; it was a hot 90 degree day in the big city of San Francisco. As I got up out of the hotel room bed, changed from my blue pajamas to my blue t-shirt, and my short shorts with the rhinestones. It was our third and last day in San Francisco. We had gone to the bike rental shop to get bikes, it was a clean shop. The shop was teal blue and had white tiles for the floor. There were light green walls with all different types of bikes, all different shapes, colors, and sizes. There was an old fashion bike with purple and pink accents on the wheels. It was a very special day for my dad.

My dad was wearing his blue jeans, black t-shirt, and his funny looking sunglasses. My dad’s girlfriend, Shannon, was wearing her black wolf hat, the short black dress, and her fuzzy black boots. Tyrah and Alex, my little siblings were riding on bikes attached to the adult’s bikes. Tyrah was wearing her pink striped t-shirt with her brown skirt and her rainbow belt. She had her small bike attached to her mom’s, pedaling away on the little orange pedals. Nick, my little bro, was wearing his cool black Tap Out shirt, skinny jeans, and his Nike shoes. He had a little black and gray bike. Antone my big brother was on his own […]