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    Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

Once upon a time, there were flip phones that allowed you to exchange tiny pictures with a few people. Data wasn’t an issue back then. But today we have a multitude of devices that take high resolution videos and pics and we share our lives with each other via uploads of data, streaming across the world wide web (don’t stop by the way – I love your updates). The result? Data is compiling at unprecedented rates. And that means power consumption. At unprecedented rates.

In 2013 alone, data centers consumed an estimated 91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. By 2020, that number is expected to grow to 140 billion kilowatt-hours annually. At a time when nations around the world have reached a collaborative agreement to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, energy consumption and sources are key.

Data centers operators around the world are taking the lead to keep up with the demand for energy in ways that not only meet demand, but are efficient and environmentally-friendly by greening the data center from the inside out.

Design and Construction: It’s not just about finding a building and turning it into a data center. For new and existing buildings, companies are incorporating measures that address how to utilize the space to get the most use for the least consumption of resources. The first data center to achieve LEED certification did so in 2005. Since then, more and more builders are incorporating methods like improved cooling efficiency, clean backup power, green construction, and intelligent design to build and recommission sustainable data centers from start to finish.
Renewable Energy: Around the world data centers are harnessing the power of natural resources. From purchasing renewable energy credits to on-site installations. Salesforce […]

By |April 22nd, 2016|Environmental, global, Marketing, news, tech|Comments Off on Green Data Centers: Environmental Stewards Within the Tech Industry

Drones. Are they poised to take over the universe?

Remember that first time you ever watched I, Robot and the robots started to take over? Me too.
I don’t have cable, but last week I happened to be staying in a hotel in my very favorite city in the US and “I, Robot” was playing on one of the channels. Have you seen it? It’s the movie where Will Smith is living in a future where artificial intelligence has evolved to the point that robots are in every household and assisting humans on all levels of day-to-day activities. In the movie, everyone except Will Smith has come to accept the integration of artificial intelligence as the norm. Will maintains that without the ability to feel and think freely, robot “logic” makes them untrustworthy to make decisions regarding the health and welfare of human lives. In the end he’s right and the robots make the decision that as humans we’re our own worst enemy and therefore need to be contained to keep us from harming ourselves further. Anyway, good movie.

Watching the movie led me to think about the drone controversy and how people fall on opposite ends of the argument. Some are excited about the idea of this new technology and the possibilities, while others are skeptical and concerned about how drones are being integrated into our lives. I love technology, but the subject of drones left even me a little apprehensive. So, I set out with a list of questions and have Googled, listened to presentations, and attended drone events to learn as much as possible about the subject.

How are drones being used?
What are some of the positives?
What challenges they’re facing?
What’s next?

Current Use
If the question is who’s doing what with drones right now, the […]

By |July 4th, 2015|Apple, drones, Steve Jobs, tech|Comments Off on Drones. Are they poised to take over the universe?